Our mission is to educate the public, doctors, and lawmakers and promote advocacy as well as to support those who are suffering through outreach and a support group. For the last three and a half years, we have provided printed materials, flyers, bookmarks and the like to hundreds of people in our county. The costs to have these flyers and handouts printed is not cheap, so if you would like to help us spread the word and Prevent and Protect our community, we would be grateful!

I would also like to begin offering Dr. Kathy Spreen’s comprehensive Compendium of Tick-Borne Disease to our local physicians who are interested in learning more and willing to treat tick-borne illness at no cost to them. So, any donated money will go toward purchasing the book at a discounted rate of $75 and providing that to our local doctors at no cost to them. I believe that this book will provide them with the research to have the confidence in treating tick bites and preventing chronic disease!

 If you would like to donate to either operating costs or toward putting tools in the hands of our physicians, please use the donate button below.
Thank you so much for your generosity!

                                                                   PLEASE DONATE HERE

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