Archive for August, 2014

Whose interests is the FDA protecting? Not Lyme patients, apparently

On July 31, the FDA announced it would move forward with regulations to restrict cutting edge laboratory developed tests (LDTs), which have not required FDA approval before because they are not marketed to consumers. The new regulations would change that. Why should you care? – Read about it here.

Dog & Horses Show High Rate of Lyme Disease





This article was written by Mary Beth Pfeiffer, of the Poughkeepsie Journal. Lyme is a huge threat to our animals especially as the drug costs climb!

From “Lyme? At Least It Isn’t Cancer”

Be warned, this is a powerfully written blog by a woman who watched her father die from late-stage Lyme Disease.

TOUCHED BY LYME: “Lyme? At least it isn’t cancer”

New ILADS Lyme Guidelines Promote Options, Informed Choice has endorsed the new ILADS guidelines, calling them “both evidence-based and patient-centered.” 

 Focusing on how best to reduce the risk of developing chronic illness, the new guidelines target how to treat tick bites, Lyme rashes and persistent disease. 

Click here for more information.

Strain of Lyme, Not Detected on Standard Tests, Causes Anxiety

Here is a recent news story about Borrelia Miyamotoi:


If you want to learn more about this strain of Lyme, follow this link: