Archive for October, 2013

How iphones Can Make You Sick When You’re a Lymie

Here’s a great article on how Lymies and other patients with neurological issues may have problems with some iphones.

Dr. Horowitz Recent PowerPoint & audio presentation

Dr. Horowitz speaks about the major points in his new book entitled,” Why Can’t I Get Better?: Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease.” Here is the webinar entitled, “Why Can’t I Get Better? The Role of Inflammation in Lyme and Chronic Disease”.

It’s slow at first but then picks up.
His book comes out on November 12th.

Katie Couric Show on Chronic Lyme

KatieIn case you missed the episode on the Katie Couric Show, I have it linked here. You’ll see Dr. Horowitz, internationally know Lyme doctor and Dr. Halprin, Infectious Disease doctor (not Lyme friendly) along with 2 guests who have suffered.
Interesting to hear how Dr. Halprin skirts around some questions by saying what he wanted out there, not what was asked. Also he states that most Infectious Disease docs test for all the co-infections…have any of you ever had tests for all of them??!! VERY RARE.

Tick Research: Interview with 3 top Lyme Research Experts

The Huffington Post interviewed three Lyme Research pioneers: Dr. Brian Fallon, Dr. Judith Miklossy and Dr. Eva Sapi. Dr. Sapi is Associate Professor at the University of New Haven (CT) where she carries out Lyme disease research with her graduate students. Dr. Judith Miklossy is Director of the Alzheimer Research Center in Switzerland. She is an expert in spirochete microbiology and neuropathology. Dr. Miklossy serves on the boards of several international Lyme disease foundations. Dr. Brian Fallon is Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Director of the Lyme and Tick-borne Diseases Research Center at Columbia University Medical Center.

Good article to be read here

Lyme Deaths in NY

Mary Beth Pfeiffer from the Poughkeepsie Journal has been using her investigative reporting skills to write about Lyme Disease for the past year or so. This is one of her latest articles about showing that Lyme deaths are being overlooked and therefore considered rare.

Bartonella Experts Offer Webinars in October

Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt, world renowned expert on Bartonella (tick borne disease)and Dr.B Robert Mozayeni, MD also a leading expert in this field of study, will present webinars in October. One series is geared toward health care professionals and a second webinar is set aside to educate pet owners, patients, and their family and friends.

For more information, click here .

Dr. Kathy Spreen’s Book Available

In case you weren’t able to attend the event last Friday or purchase her very comprehensive “Compendium of Tick-Borne Disease” text for the discounted price, I have a link for you. The website is Select the “purchase” button, scroll down, and then select the “Click HERE for special discount information.” It will lead you to an order form allowing you to purchase the book for 1/2 price and have it shipped right to your house!

(I receive no kickbacks of any form, but simply believe this book is OUTSTANDING!)